Horsemanship 101

a relaxed and mindful approach to the horse world.


Horsemanship 101 Intentions:

  • To provide a relaxed learning environment to people who are new to the horse world

  • To offer people a chance to interact with horses who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do so otherwise

  • To help give people the tools and practice they need to be safe and effective volunteers at equine-centered nonprofits

  • To connect people to equine-related organizations as new volunteers, donors or advocates

  • To raise awareness of how incredible these animals are and what they are up against in the domestic world



Truly one of the best horse experiences of all my life. I felt so confident today doing the obstacle course which I don’t think I could have said before this, even with prior experience. Thank you so much. This is so much better than riding lessons! Really well done and I can’t wait to take my new skills to the Rescue. Glad I got to be part of it. AND so nice to make some new friends.
— H-101 Student
While I’ve always loved horses, it’s mainly been from afar; I didn’t grow up with them or really know how to interact with them, and I didn’t know where to start to get more experience. Lindsay’s horsemanship workshop opened up a whole new world and I’m so grateful for her patience with a late bloomer and beginner like me. The class was so much more than learning important technical skills — with Lindsay’s guidance I connected with horses in a way I never had before. I learned things not only about these magical animals, but about myself and how important it can be to get out of my comfort zone. As a bonus, I also meant some awesome horse women along the way.
— H-101 Student
Thank you so much Lindsay!! The whole class was amazing and you are such a natural teacher and mentor. I truly appreciated all of the work you put into this and who you be as a human being. And I also sincerely appreciate your support of me being the least experienced and such a newbie!! Your presence and ability to meet us each at where we were at in our individual journeys in this was truly amazing. Thank you for sharing your gift and your wisdom with us. Deeply grateful.
— H-101 Student
Omg those amazing horses and that piece of heaven on Earth. I think, as I said, my obstacle course with Hank is in the best minutes in my life.
So grateful to you all. I’m unable to stop talking about it and the immense
pleasure the whole experience has been, with both the horses and humans.
— H-101 Student